Keynote Speeches
Whether you’re running a company, a government organization, a town or city, or just trying to survive in today’s economy, Roslyn Kunin can give you answers: When will the economy get better? What’s happening in the housing market? How will treaties with First Nations affect us? How is “my town” doing compared to others? What’s happening to our industries and our workers? How can we benefit from the rapid rate of change? What kind of opportunities will there be for my children and how can they prepare? What kind of opportunities will there be for me?
Five Steps to a Successful Career in the 21st Century
Kunin explores five specific steps that she believes are invaluable to having a successful career in this new, and changing, global economy.
Kunin explores five specific steps that she believes are invaluable to having a successful career in this new, and changing, global economy.
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