Catherine DeVrye – Keynote Speaker of the Year!

Catherine DeVryeCongratulations to Catherine DeVrye on receiving the National Speakers Association of Australia Keynote Presentation Award for Excellence-which recognizes the Keynote Speaker of the Year in the Hall of Fame.

This award is given to a person who is respected in the speaking industry for their eloquence as speakers – including both their speaking excellence & their professionalism. These speakers use the power of the spoken word to transform people’s behaviour and habits.

Catherine is a best-selling author of 7 non-fiction books and past winner of the Australian Executive Woman of the Year Award. She is an outstanding communicator with proven international management experience in the private and public sectors-speaking globally on customer service, change and turning obstacles to opportunities in our professional and personal lives.

A former IBM executive, Catherine held roles in sales, marketing, communication and management development; and spent 2 years in Tokyo as Asia Pacific Headquarters Human Resource Manager. She holds a Master of Science degree and has attended short courses at Harvard and the Mt Eliza Business School-but believes the best education is common sense!

Combining the energy of Gen Y with the experience of a Baby Boomer, Catherine has the ‘street cred’ to deliver the results you’re after.

To find out more about Catherine DeVrye visit her webprofile: