Keynote Speeches
There is tidal wave of aging soon to be upon us that will affect everything we produce or purchase—from auto’s to packaging, from food to home renovation. It will have a massive effect on policy & more. Our workforce will go through a complete restructuring as older workers leave the employment ranks and new immigrants to Canada are needed to backfill roles left behind, particularly in the service sector.
This presentation is a thought provoking wake-up call for any business, public sector, or not-for-profit entity. Entertaining and eye-opening it combines demography and public opinion as well as examples from other countries and cultures as to how they are addressing this very issue. It can identify the retirement segments and sketch out a trail ahead for opportunity. And there’s a separate module within the presentation that will address your sector, department, or group with a customized takeaway.
DemandShift is simple and compelling: it’s about the shift in the citizen-consumer demand dynamic in the New Canada and what it means for businesses supplying that new marketplace. Canada’s merchant class—ranging from the CEOs of our biggest banks to the small town dollar stores—supply the goods and services that Canadians demand, and mostly based on well-worn expectations. Demand is about people—the citizen-consumer marketplace – who they are and what they think they need or want. Now, what happens if the make-up of the people in the traditional marketplace changes—a lot, and quickly—and as a business decision maker you have no real clue as to what future market demand looks like? It means that, as a supplier, you find out and adapt—or you don’t and you perish. Canadians are changing massively and rapidly and this is causing a growing DemandShift. And it’s creating a gap—and soon a gulf—between the new demand and the old supply.
This is proving to be a memorable time with unique economic challenges at levels not seen since the depression. How severely is Canada’s situation impacted by the US and global events? Wright has his mind on the pulse of what is really going on, up to the minute, and he cuts through the clutter and combines the facts with what they mean for Canadians.
Learn why Canadians think the way they do about things, and how these facts apply to you. What should your organization be thinking about?
What are the captains of Canadian industry thinking – and worrying about – post recession and into the breach of global competition?
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